All of the following statements are true about gerrymandering except the issue of gerrymandering has been resolved. (A) Reorganization of the federal bureaucracy (C) bicameralism Expert Answer. (B) By establishment of federal agencies to regulate campaign finance activities (A) the president from forcibly revealing private conversations with staff. (D) The death penalty is not necessarily cruel and unusual punishment. Changes in the US population, which census figures reflect, impact American culture and our political system. (A) Recognition of the centrality of political parties in government (C) Delays in confirmation of federal court nominees 3. National defense, Police protection. (E) Voters with strong party identification vote less regularly than do Independents. (B) Coverage of political events has gotten more liberal over time. (C) interrelationship among federal, state, and local levels of government in the policy process (A) judicial review (D) Political parties tend to have strength in particular regions, whereas the power of interest groups is more consistent across states. (C) interrelationship among federal, state, and local levels of government in the policy process (A) bargaining and negotiating process between the President and Congress about the direction of domestic policy What percentage of those surveyed by the Pew Research Center believe that government is dominated by a few big interests? The value of KcK_{\mathrm{c}}Kc for the dissociation reaction H2(g)2H(g)\mathrm{H}_2(g) \rightleftharpoons 2 \mathrm{H}(g)H2(g)2H(g) is 1.210421.2 \times 10^{-42}1.21042 at 500K500 \mathrm{~K}500K. Does the equilibrium mixture contain mainly H2\mathrm{H}_2H2 molecules or H\mathrm{H}H atoms? (C) The presence of a few large factions helps to protect the rights of minorities. Describe a control procedure that would have prevented or detected the fraud, 9m2+7000cm29 \mathrm{~m}^2+7000 \mathrm{~cm}^2 All of the following statements regarding the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives are true EXCEPT that the Speaker. All of the following are ways that the legislative branch can check the powers of the executive branch EXCEPT: (B) horizontal federalism (D) The Majority Whip of the House The first period included relations between the Kingdom of Hungary and the first Slovak Republic in 1939-1945. AP Government Practice - Congress. may be a candidate in an open primary. The company realizes a contribution margin of$1 .50 per box. Which of the following is NOT a core value of United States political culture? (C) affirmative action f(x)=5x612. (E) The gender gap. Which of the following is true of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 ? What are their individual frequencies? According to their proponents which of the following proposals would increase voter turn out? leaders of bureaucracies seek expanded budgets and larger staffs. (E) Elimination of the seniority rule in Congress, In Plessy v. Ferguson, the United States Supreme Court ruled that state-imposed racial segregation is constitutional, based on the The second period started in 1993, when the countries again established diplomatic relations, the year when Slovakia . It has been banned by United States Supreme Court decisions starting with Baker v. Carr, briefly explain 5solution to the problems of modern scienc e and technology , Local development proposal plays vitle role in development of local level justify this statement in four points, Negative and positive aspects of transition of school and post school. The president and Vice President c. the President's party often loses seats, but the size of the losses depends on the performance of the economy . The policy that congressional districts be drawn so that one person's is worth as much as another's was set by, Recent immigrants to the United States have tended to come from. politics. (A) It is used to strike down a provision of a bill that the President finds disagreeable. (A) Parties have no organization except at the national level. (C) It encourages judges to follow precedent when deciding cases. Answer Yes or No, and then explain your choice in one or two sentences. Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole, Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry. 1. This group now represents a majority of the electorate because they are a majority of the population, Bans any procedure that impinges upon minorities' right to vote. (E) The Senate may refuse to approve a treaty negotiated by the president. Redistricting is handled by the legislatures in each of the states. (E) Political parties are required to disclose their campaign finance activities, whereas interest groups are not. a. packing and cracking b. filibustering and cloture c. pigeonholing and lobbying d. pocket veto and line-item veto e. authorization and appropriation 13. (C) affirmative action Which of the following are included among Congress's enumerated powers? (D) The federal government must make regulations that can be applied across every state in the same Both Republicans and Democrats engage in gerrymandering. (B) It was used traditionally to maintain urban control of the House of Representatives. (C) Individual senators can exercise substantial influence over the legislative process. the tactic of gerrymandering is used to create districts to the advantage of one political party or another. It creates districts that favor one political party over another. b. Gerrymandering is the practice of drawing district lines in such a way as to give candidates from a certain party, ethnic group, or faction an advantage. Does not protect the president in a criminal investigation. (A) Military procurement (E) Dwight Eisenhower's deployment of troops to Arkansas. * (E) group of presidential advisers who formulate the President's foreign policy agenda. (A) The Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee The term "pork barrel" refers to legislation specifically designed to. (C) increase the rate at which incumbents are reelected to office It can be used by a political party to draw boundary lines to control as many districts as possible (E) The gender gap. the president to spend the funds that Congress has appropriated. 199 times. Iron is commonly found as Fe, Fe2+^{2+}2+, and Fe3+^{3+}3+. (A) They serve ten-year terms. It creates districts that favor one political party over another, Congressional district boundaries are redrawn every ten years by the. drawing electoral districts within a state in order to favor a political party or candidate, Southern states that created majority-minority congressional districts did so because they were, attempting to abite by the provisions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, When apportionment becomes a political tool, it is called. As states change population . Since the early 1980s, the Republican Party platform has been increasingly influenced by 0. . 1. Question 20. d. REM sleep, Assume that Peggy Gyger, accounts payable clerk for Patmen Inc., stole $193,750 by paying fictitious invoices for goods that were never received. indirectly, through the electoral college. b. stage 2 (C) laws protecting voting rights for minorities (A) It has increased the importance of state party organizations. Which of the following demographic changes is the most likely to affect public policy in the future? Gerrymandering is the political manipulation of electoral district boundaries with the goal of giving one party an unfair advantage. Which of the following is NOT a way in which the federal government regulates campaigns? Which of the following best describes gerrymandering? (E) Business and government can work together to more effectively accomplish shared goals. Prepare a memo for the partners addressing the question below. (B) It was used traditionally to maintain urban control of the House of Representatives. (E) Division of government authority across political institutions. Match the Article of the Constitution to the branch of the federal government that it describes. Congress tells Florida that it must regulate the discharge of sewage into the Everglades National Park. (A) First Amendment (C) Men's greater political participation (B) It results in more Republicans being elected to the House. on the Supreme Court. Which of the following best explains why delegates to both the republican and democratic conventions in 1996 were much more likely to have college and postgraduate degrees than was the rest of the voting population? (E) allow sixteen year olds to vote if they have a valid driver's license. What can be said regarding the structure of a bureaucracy? In general, the power of the president has decreased considerably over time. It can be used by a political party to draw boundary lines to control as many districts as possible. It is used to establish a political advantage for a party or group by manipulating boundaries of electoral districts It is generally favored by Republicans and . Since 1972, voters in presidential elections have (C) Serving as the chief executive officer of the Department of Justice c.they were friendly to the people of the neighboring lands.d.they believed that men . a. 30 seconds. In addition to reducing costs, the new machine will increase production by 6,000 boxes of chocolates per year. 4. According to the gerrymandering thesis, the more moderate or heterogeneous a voting district, the more moderate the politician's behavior once in . Why is participation in the census so important? (A) "clear and present danger" doctrine Of the following, which is the most powerful figure in Congress? The Supreme Court's ruling Thursday that federal courts cannot determine whether election maps are too partisan has raised the stakes for the 2020 election . *AP & Advanced Placement Program are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse this site. Opinions on Affirmative Action for Women 18-29 55%/22% 73%/9% (B) dominance of corporate power in setting the national policy agenda for economic expansion Considering all elections at all levels of government, which of the following best describes electoral behavior in the United States? The minority populations will collectively outnumber the Caucasian population. (B) International Relations is hard to measure, Using redistricting process to gain a partisan advantage. (B) Small republics are better able to ensure individual liberty than are large republics. Which of the following statements explains this order: Census, Gerrymandering, and Election? (E) A state may require a person to pay 11 poll tax in order to register to vote. (B) The Senate, unlike the House, has a Rules Committee. It has been banned by United States Supreme Court decisions beginning with Baker v. Carr. Which of the following is generally true of the gerrymandering of congressional districts? The federal government assigns authority to the states for regulating emissions from oil refineries. (E) It is subject to approval by a congressional committee. Preview this quiz on Quizizz. Which of the following is an example of devolution? (D) Age discrimination Which of the following best describes the concept of political efficacy? All of the following are true regarding states EXCEPT. 2. Select the correct answer.which sentence about romans in the early roman republic is most likely to be true? A final possible cause for polarization is the increasing sophistication of gerrymandering, or the manipulation of legislative districts in an attempt to favor a particular candidate (Figure 9.18). Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole. (C) The election is ruled null and void and Congress appoints a new president. (B) Political equality In the organization of government, the principle of federalism is illustrated best by the. (B) Direct election of members of the executive branch created by Congress, but report directly to the president. (B) individual states (B) The majority of the electorate does not vote in most elections. D Gerrymandering is the drawing of voting district boundaries to achieve an electoral result that benefits the drawer. The true statement about gerrymandering is c. It can be used by a political party to draw boundary lines to control as many districts as possible. (E) It is used when both houses of Congress pass separate versions of the same bill. Which of the following is generally true of the gerrymandering of congressional districts? (C) two-thirds vote in the House of Representatives only (B) They serve as long as the appointing president stays in power. gerrymandering, in U.S. politics, the practice of drawing the boundaries of electoral districts in a way that gives one political party an unfair advantage over its rivals (political or partisan gerrymandering) or that dilutes the voting power of members of ethnic or linguistic minority groups (racial gerrymandering). (C) Political parties are more likely to focus on national politics, whereas interest groups focus on local politics. The term was used after Governor Elbridge Gerry redisrcited Massachusetts in 1812. Twin jet engines on an airplane are producing an average sound frequency of 4100 Hz with a beat frequency of 0.500 Hz. Which of the following statements about the Senate is true? The number of political appointments available to the president, is constrained by the civil service system, The formal declaration by the appropriate congressional committee that a certain amount of funding may be made available to an agency is called, The Constitution gives the vice president, the job of presiding over the Senate and voting in case of a tie, When no presidential candidate receives a majority of the electoral vote, the. If you wanted to write your friend in Spain about your cars mileage, what ratings in kilometers per liter would you report? Starmeroids block another popular local candidate - in favour of parachuted Blairites Two entire Labour committees have resigned after yet another candidate selection stitch-up by Keir Starmer and his drones in the Labour party. 2. Which of the following statements about motions for cloture is true? Which of the following statements about motions for cloture rule is true? (D) Presidential endorsement (A) No person may be denied the right to vote merely for lack of either state or federal citizenship. Delegates to both of the national party conventions are: Wealthier and better educated than most Americans, Decrease the role of the states in selecting the president, The electoral college was modified by the _____________ amendment. All of the following statements are true regarding redrawing boundaries EXCEPT. 11th - 12th grade. (E) children are trained for successful occupations. After five years, the machine could be sold for $7.500. It can be used by a political party to draw boundary lines to control as many districts as possible. (E) more ideological. (D) By limits on individual donations to campaigns (B) Restricts the ability of Congress to establish an army or navy. When a regulatory agency like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) publishes a newly proposed regulation, it must wait __________ days before it can be enforced, during which time the rule can be overturned by Congressional legislation. (B) Regulatory agency funding (D) hears civil cases but not criminal cases c. stage 3 and stage 4 Q. Which of the following statements about gerrymandering is true? Questions and Answers for [Solved] All of the following statements are true about gerrymandering except A) the issue of gerrymandering has been resolved. . The belief that bureaucracies have no competitors and no reason to make themselves more efficient best describes the __________ of bureaucracy, while the __________ predicts that bureaucrats will try to "sell" their services by appealing to both Congress and public opinion. United Airlines will lease the aircraft for 15 years at an annual rental of $7.2 million. (C) the single-member district electoral system (C) It can be used by a political party to draw boundary lines to control as many districts as . voters. Which of the following statements about political parties and the United States Constitution is true? Which of the following is true about the pocket veto? If a United States Senator makes a false allegation on the floor of the Senate, he or she. Another tactic is to "crack" members of a demographic group: in this case, a political party that draws its support from suburban voters may divide the region's urban voters into several districts where they will be outnumbered by suburban voters, thus eliminating the electoral influence of the urban voters; so eliminate (B).