[41] That same day he used the "hot line" to Moscow, and assured the Soviets he had no intent in opening a broader war in Vietnam. Afraid of attackers, Captain Herrick sent flash messages to U.S. officials while desperately trying to move the ships out of harms way. However, President Johnson and Secretary of Defense McNamara treated these original, purposefully distorted reports as crucial evidence during their arguments for retaliation, ignoring the majority of reports that concluded that no attack had occurred. Mexican wars of 1819 and 1846-48. President Lyndon Johnson and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara meet with Prime Minister Nguyen Cao Ky in Honolulu. Liberty Waco Oklahoma City 9/11 London 7/7 Sandy Hook "A close scrutiny of Johnson's public statements reveals no mention of preparations for overt warfare and no indication of the nature and extent of covert land and air measures that already were operational." A false flag is a political or military action carried out with the intention of blaming an opponent for it. Lawrence, A. T. (2009). [5] The boats were from Squadron 135, commanded by Le Duy Khoai, with the boats commanded by brothers Van Bot, Van Tu, and Van Gian. More answers below Did the Gulf of Tonkin incident actually occur or was it faked to justify going to war with Vietnam? Sweden and Denmark said that they had detected underwater blasts in the area. It's a good example of a 'false flag', so common in politics since the beginning. Months before an alleged attack was being blamed on Iran, a US Army Colonel predicted this very scenario playing out to start a war. The truth about 'False Flags' from Nazi Germany to the Vietnam War As the enemy vessels launched their torpedoes, U.S. forces attacked them from above and below, severely damaging the boats. [8] Maddox was "unscathed except for a single bullet hole from a Vietnamese machine gun round". [5] In the ensuing engagement, one U.S. aircraft (which had been launched from aircraft carrier USSTiconderoga) was damaged, three North Vietnamese torpedo boats were damaged, and four North Vietnamese sailors were killed, with six more wounded. On the 18th of September, a Japanese officer detonated a small explosive next to a railway line owned by a Japanese company. The sinking of the Cheonan: Another Gulf of Tonkin incident Part I & II The incident served as the justification for the Gulf of Tonkin resolution passed by Congress Aug. 10, which authorized the subsequent U.S. build-up of forces. What was happening at the time were aggressive South Vietnamese raids against the North in the same general area. The Gulf of Tonkin incident (or the USS Maddox incident) is the name given to two separate confrontations involving North Vietnam and . After a series of unsuccessful missions, OPLAN 34A shifted its focus from the land to the sea, attacking the Norths coastal infrastructure and defense from the water. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was passed unanimously in the Senate. What are false flag attacks - and did Russia stage any to claim His actions would lead to the deaths of 58,220 Americans and an untold number of Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Laotians. People on Reddit say the Gulf of Tonkin incident is an example of a conspiracy that turned out to be true. How Putin and Donald Tusk covered up what caused the Polish presidential plane crash in 2010. and sadly I believe the shooting in Uvalde Texas at the elementary school was a false flag mission to take . List of Mass Shootings in the United States in 2021, CLICK FOR RECENT POSTS, SEARCH & ARCHIVES , Skunks, Bogies, Silent Hounds, and the Flying Fish: The Gulf of Tonkin Mystery, 2-4 August 1964, PRESUMED DEAD (BODY REMAINS NOT RECOVERED). Get Ready For The First Pluto Return in American History, OPERATION JAB INDIA: A Slow Motion Genocide, JOHN POULOS: LIAR-IN-CHIEF FOR DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS, MEDICIDE: How American Hospitals and Doctors Methodically Murdered Covid Patients. For example, some of the signals intercepted during those August evenings were falsified, while others were altered to show different time receipts. Further, it shows he lied about the incident, using it as a catalyst to go to war. Memorandum for Mr. J. Fred Buzhardt, General Counsel OSD from Vice Admiral Noel Gayler, Subj: Request from Senator Fulbright, Memorandum for the Record, Subj: Church Committee Interest in Gulf of Tonkin Incident, Memorandum for the Record; Subj: Interview with Mr. Arthur McCafferty, White House Staff, Commercial Solutions for Classified Material (CSFC), Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. And because it was highly probableand because even if it hadn't occurred, there was strong feeling we should have responded to the first attack, which we were positive had occurredPresident Johnson decided to respond to the second [attack]. He asserts "I maintain that President Johnson, Secretary McNamara and the Joint Chiefs of Staff gave false information to Congress in their report about US destroyers being attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin. 1898, on a flag-showing mission . The most sensational part of the history (which was excerpted and disclosed by the NSA two years ago) is the recounting of the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin Incident, in which a second reported North Vietnamese attack on U.S. forces, following another attack two days before, triggered a major escalation of the war. [12]:11 By 1961, South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem faced significant discontent among some quarters of the southern population, including some Buddhists who were opposed to the rule of Diem's Catholic supporters. Cover-Up Worse Than Crime: Silence Around Hersh's Bombshell & Ominous Gulf of Tonkin Parallels 22 February, 18:50 GMT Sachs and McGovern: UN Probe is Global Priority Remarkably, two American experts who testified at the UNSC meeting openly said that they do not buy into the West's Nord Stream narrative. [22] After the coastal attacks began, Hanoi, the capital of North Vietnam, lodged a complaint with the International Control Commission (ICC), which had been established in 1954 to oversee the terms of the Geneva Accords, but the U.S. denied any involvement. 54 Years Ago Today: Government & Media Created & Spread 'Fake News' to At the end of July 1964, the USS Maddox was sent to patrol the waters off the North Vietnamese coastline in the Gulf of Tonkin. [30][31] The North Vietnamese stance is that they always considered a 12 nautical mile limit, consistent with the positions regarding the law of the sea of both the Soviet Union and China, their main allies. [34], In the face of growing uncertainties over the course of the day regarding whether the attack had occurred, the Johnson administration ended up basing its conclusion that it had mostly on communications intercepts erroneously assessed to be North Vietnamese preparations to carry out an attack and a North Vietnamese after action report. As the torpedo boats neared, Maddox fired three warning shots. These 4 wars started after 'false flag' attacks - We Are The Mighty This, along with other false flag operations in Operation Himmler, would be used to mobilize support from the German population for the start of World War II in Europe. U.S. Navy Naval History and Heritage Command, Three North Vietnamese torpedo boats approaching the USS, The North Vietnamese torpedo boats under fire, as photographed on board the USS, U.S. Navy Naval History and Heritage Command/Wikimedia Commons. [27], Others, such as Admiral Sharp, maintained that U.S. actions did not provoke the August 2 incident. The Cold War policy of containment was to be applied to prevent the fall of Southeast Asia to communism under the precepts of the domino theory. By the end of July, they were tracking the USS Maddox, which was stationed in international waters just a few miles outside of Hn M Island in the Gulf of Tonkin. The latest releases, which document skepticism over the pretext for entry into the Vietnam war, date from 1968. . The false flag Gulf of Tonkin Incident Vietnam 75,381 views Dec 22, 2008 613 Dislike Share kikila007 1.71K subscribers President Johnson used an alleged attack by North Vietnamese gun boats. But even at the time there was some recognition of a margin of error, so we thought it highly probable but not entirely certain. False Flags - LewRockwell More posts from r/skeptic. It is not NSA's intention to prove or disprove any one set of conclusions, many of which can be drawn from a thorough review of this material. Vietnam Gulf Of Tonkin False Flag Attack By US CIA In 1965 - Warmongering Military Industrial Complex Used Propaganda, Pro War Mass Media Coverage And Fake Outrage By US President In Order To Start Vietnamese War - All Wars Are Based On Fear, Hatred, Greed And War Profiteering - Hugh Thompson And My Lai Massacre The pilots from the Ticonderoga aircraft responded, flying overhead the destroyers for an hour and a half. This article will demonstrate three principal factual conclusions: (1) that Mr. Gamble is absolutely wrong, as a matter of historical fact, to claim that the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a "false flag" operation; (2) that belief in "9/11 was an inside job" conspiracy theories is not growing, but in fact shrinking; and (3) the conclusion . [43] It was not until after the United States became more involved in the war that his claim began to gain support throughout the United States government. It was no surprise that when two Persian Gulf oil tankers were attacked last Thursday, "Gulf of Tonkin" immediately spiked on Google, while right-wing sites played up claims of a false flag attack. Although August 4 was a stormy day, Captain Herrick ordered the two destroyers further out to sea in order to give them more space in the case of an attack. One soldier, Peter Lemon, even managed to earn a Medal of Honor while stoned out of his mind. Silence Around Hersh's Bombshell & Ominous Gulf of Tonkin Parallels On September 26, the Nord Stream AG operator registered a rapid gas pressure drop on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, and Nord Stream 1 followed soon after. This final release includes additional articles, chronologies of events, oral history interviews, and other related memoranda. Increase. False Flags Nero Ft. Sumter USS Maine RMS Lusitania Reichstag Fire Pearl Harbor Operation Gladio Operation Paperclip Operation Northwoods Gulf of Tonkin U.S.S. An F8 Crusader from the aircraft carrier USS Ticonderoga flew overhead for ninety minutes and failed to locate any North Vietnamese ships attacking the "Maddox" and "Turner" on august 4. At the same time it gathered this intelligence, the South Vietnamese navy conducted strikes on multiple North Vietnamese islands. U.S. NavyCommander James Bond Stockdale exiting his aircraft. Debunking the myths and propaganda behind 'D-Day'. [5] As the ships approached from the southwest, Maddox changed course from northeasterly to southeasterly and increased speed to 25 knots.[5]. [5] In this context, on July 31, Maddox began patrols of the North Vietnamese coast to collect intelligence, coming within a few miles of Hn M island. North Vietnam did not adhere to an 8-kilometer (5mi) limit for its territorial waters; instead it adhered to a 20-kilometer (12mi) limit claimed by French Indochina in 1936. In August 1964, the USS Maddox destroyer was stationed in the Gulf of Tonkin off the coast of North Vietnam. The destroyer was ordered to fire warning shots if the enemy vessels closed within 10,000 yards. In fact, the Turner Joy had not detected any torpedoes during the entire event. The opinions expressed within the documents in both releases are those of the authors and individuals interviewed. Is it possible Lyndon Johnson was attempting another one with Israel to finish off Egypt once and for all? White's book explains the difference between lies of commission and lies of omission. According to Admiral Vasey, who was aboard USSOklahoma City, a Galveston-class guided missile cruiser, in the Gulf of Tonkin and serving as chief of staff to Commander Seventh Fleet, Turner Joy intercepted an NVA radio transmission ordering a torpedo boat attack on Turner Joy and Maddox. He soon realized that the vessels they were tracking on the Maddox may have actually been the result of poor equipment performance and inexperienced sonar operators. Despite the captains efforts to correct the errors of his original messages during the Gulf of Tonkin incident, U.S. officials took the idea of unprovoked attacks and ran with it. National Archives and Records Administration. Truthseeker's Guide to FALSE FLAGS - AFP Store - American Free Press Silence Around Hersh's Bombshell & Ominous Gulf of Tonkin Parallels Theyd disappear, only to reappear seconds or minutes later in a completely different location. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Passes House and Senate "Aggression by terror against the peaceful villagers of South Vietnam has now been joined by open aggression on the high seas against the. Stanislav Petrov, the man who stopped a USSR - US nuclear war by doing nothing. But false flags are a very real and very present feature of geopolitics and denying that is simply denying reality. Florida, Texas, New Mexico and California were Spanish possessions that revolted for independence. An incredible 15 percent of American soldiers were addicted to heroin, while others were so desperate for escape that they ate C-4 explosives just to get high. [13] In March 1956, the North Vietnamese leadership approved tentative measures to revive the southern insurgency in December 1956. Gulf of Tonkin - FalseFlag.info [5], While doubts regarding the perceived second attack have been expressed since 1964, it was not until years later that it was shown conclusively never to have happened. In August 1964, the American destroyer USS Maddox was stationed in the Gulf of Tonkin off the coast of North Vietnam.
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