How precious is your love, my Mother! Those words include us all. I thank you for all you mean to me as my spiritual Mother. Happy Feast Day Our Lady of Perpetual Help Feast day: June 27 Patroness How often do we see you restoring health to the sick who have recourse to you with childlike confidence? It affords Jesus the joy of rewarding you who, with Him, suffered so much for men. The Heart of Jesus was a pure Heart, symbolized by the light that St. Margaret Mary saw streaming round it. You are a Mother of Mercy to the sinner and the fallen; have pity on me! You would be hailed by all generations as blessed above all other women because you are the Mother of God and at the same time a spotless Virgin. Three swords brought anguish to you while Jesus was yet a young child, four swords pierced your soul in His Holy Passion. For days before the feast, people crowd around the basilica for blessings of the religious images they have brought, and . When you lived in this valley of tears, you were ever loving and merciful toward the afflicted. That grace made you holy and most pleasing in God's eyes, the special object of His love. Joachim was of the royal house of David, and Anne of the priestly family of Aaron. Feasts of Our Lady - Iskandar Grant that we all may heed your warning, for only through penance and reparation can we blot out sin and the insult it afflicts on God. Mary, My Mother, through your divine maternity you procure for the three divine Persons a new and singular glory. Give me your good counsel, so that following it humbly I may ever please God, find true happiness on this earth and eternal life in the world to come. As you are powerful to obtain and provide, you are merciful to pardon. 1. As Christ was pleased to be comforted by an angel, so was it necessary that you should be encouraged by one. It was life of the utmost weakness and helplessness, and yet His is the strength of God Himself. Mary, Mother of God, you are so filled with compassion that you deserve to be called not only merciful but even mercy itself. I am happy at the thought that you, a human creature, have escaped completely from the clutches of Satan, that born of a race universally tainted, you are more pure and more brilliant than the most sublime of the angels; and that you are my Mother. To understand your dignity as Mother of God in all its fullness, we would have to understand fully the dignity of the Son of God whose Mother you are. I am in need of forgiveness of sin, of strength in temptation. Parting with your dying Son was the height of your sorrow. Joseph, so humble, so pure, so loving respected your consecration to God, and he was willing to live with you a life of spotless virginity. You are the model of all virtues. You have given me life without end, a life of happiness for all eternity, not a created life, but a share in uncreated life, in the very life of God. PRAYER: O most holy Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ: by the overwhelming grief you experienced when you witnessed the martyrdom, the crucifixion, and death of your divine Son, look upon me with eyes of compassion, and awaken in my heart a tender commiseration for those sufferings, as well as a sincere detestation of my sins, in order . Such a stain would have reflected upon your Son, who is Holiness itself. Our Lady of Guadalupe, whom we acclaim our Queen and Mother, lead our country to God. You are certainly the refuge of sinners, but you wish what your Son wishes. God, having once given us Jesus Christ by you, Holy Virgin, does not change His way of blessing us with His gifts. As the Mother of the Incarnate Son you were so preserved from inheriting original sin that never for a moment was as much as a shadow cast by sin upon your spotless soul. Neither your long absence from home, nor the inconvenience of a difficult and dangerous journey to the mountain country kept you from making this mission of love. You were fully enlightened as to the greatness of the dignity of a Mother of God. I am unworthy of that. Jesus invites me to do so, for He said, "Take my yoke upon youMy yoke is easy and My burden light" (Matt. As the devil goes about seeking whom he may devour, you go about seeking whom you may save. Help me to strive to imitate your wonderful charity by aiding those who are in need, by sympathizing with those who are afflicted, by opening my heart and applying my hands to relieve every form of distress. 1. May they consider it to be the greatest privilege bestowed upon them by God to dedicate their sons and daughters to His holy service. And grant that after having suffered with you and your loving Son in this life, I may be glorified with You both in His Kingdom beyond the stars. The Prophet tells us that God is "wonderful in His saints" (Ps. Since you have had such an intimate share in my redemption, I entrust my soul to your loving care. Help me to return unceasing thanks to God for His many favors, and keep me humble in possessing and using them. He made His taking of the role of Mediator dependent on your consent, and it was your motherly care, shown toward Him through life, which made Him ready for the sacrifice that reconciled the world to God. Down through the ages numberless people have recovered health of body and of spirit through your intercession! 2. When you became the Mother of Jesus according to the flesh, you became the Mother of men according to the spirit. Give them zeal that by prayer and sacrifice they may cooperate in the great work of the Redemption. The picture you imprinted on the cloak of the Indian at Guadalupe was the image of the Immaculate Conception. Feast of Our Lady of Compassion - Friday, 3 April, 2020 When the hands and feet of Jesus were pierced with nails, the sound of each blow of the hammer inflicted a wound in your Heart. Make me your faithful child. When His side was opened with a lance, a sword of anguish also pierced your Heart. You became more and more filled with His spirit; you grew into Him, as it were, and became in your soul ever more the Mother of God and Mother of Jesus. He alone has paid the full price of our ransom, and to this price no one else has contributed. The God of holiness, having come upon the earth to take away the sins of the world, chose to appear among us as a sinner. Teach me to admire your virtues that I maybe constantly reminded to imitate them and become like you. Teach me to understand something of your love for the Holy Spirit and His love for you in keeping your soul beautiful and holy. In this I see God's plan that in the Kingdom of Jesus all graces should go through your hands and Heart. But you are not the adoptive Mother of the Son of God; you are His real Mother. You brought me forth spiritually to a new life of grace. May God dwell in me and may I live to Him alone through frequent Holy Communion and still more frequent prayer so that God may direct my whole lifemy thoughts, words and actionsto His greater honor and glory. Mary, Mother of God, I pour out to you the sorrows of my own troubled heart. 11, 29). Since with Christ you had helped to merit all graces, it is fitting that you also should help to distribute all graces with Him. All your trials and sufferings are now transformed into jewels that decorate your triumphal throne in Heaven. You are the spotless tabernacle, the earthly resting-place prepared for the Son of God, hence the Church pays loving respect to your Immaculate Heart. Mary, Mother of God, how wonderful was your own interior life as you carried the Son of God in your womb and awaited His coming! You are "Suppliant Omnipotence" because your prayer obtains all graces from the infinite treasures of God. Mary, Mother of God, as Refuge of sinners, you will never turn away those who have recourse to your compassion. Increase the number of vocations to the priesthood and the religious life and awaken in many young hearts a zeal for the salvation of pagans and sinners. IMPRIMI POTEST Raymond Weisenberger, Provincial, Girard, Pa. NIHIL OBSTAT A. H. Wiersbinski, LL.D. You are God's purest and holiest creature, the one chosen to conceive and bear the Son of God. You were longing to see the Face of God and to be happy in the vision. God inflamed no other heart, after that of the Heart of His Son, with His love so much as yours. Pray to Jesus, the Divine Word and Eternal Wisdom, who is "the life that is the light of men" (John 1, 4), that through you He may teach me His divine wisdom. Seeing your own nothingness as compared with the infinite majesty of God, who chose you for His Mother, you acknowledged how unworthy you were of so great honor, but you did not oppose His will in the least thing. After the Ascension you found the past under another form; the consecrated Bread the Apostle John placed on your lips was Jesus, who was formed from your own flesh and with whom your body was again united. Mary, My Mother, God raised you so high in Himself that He never has created and never will create a holier person more worthy of Himself, of His greatness, of His love, than you, O Virgin most pure. The feast day of Our Lady of Compassion is every 15th of September. Help me to use the graces God gives me for my sanctification. nothing could be happier than the choice of the day on which this Feast was to be kept.On the 24 th of May, in the year 1814, there was . Your aid at the hour of my death will be for me a guarantee of salvation if through life I have sought to imitate the beautiful example of your life. In His infinite mercy God chose Abraham who was to be the Father of a Chosen Nation. In union with Him you also did the will of God perfectly as He exclaimed "Father, into Thy hands I commend My spirit.". If at any time you had been without Divine grace even for the shortest moment, there would not have come between you and the serpent that everlasting enmity spoken of by God. You, who were yourself the Queen of Prophets, saw that from that moment "the sword of sorrow" would enter your soul and remain there during the rest of your days. 3. God enriched your soul with such a love above all other creatures that in you alone He found His fullest delights. Our Lady of Guadalupe, mystical rose, make intercession for holy Church, protect the Sovereign Pontiff, help all those who invoke thee in their necessities, and since thou art the ever Virgin Mary and Mother of the true God, obtain for us from thy most holy Son the grace of keeping our faith, sweet hope in the midst of the bitterness of life, burning charity and the precious gift of final perseverance. December 9 marks the feast day of Saint Juan Diego and December 12, the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. In your humility, you looked upon yourself as His lowly handmaid. As breathing is not only a sign but even a cause of life, so your name, which is constantly found on the lips of your servants, both proves that they are spiritually alive, and at the same time causes and preserves their life, and gives them every help in their needs. You saw the cross raised and heard the mob, not yet satisfied with their bloody work, continue to torment their dying Victim. R. (1b) Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord! Just as in my tenderest years I learned to love God at my mother's knee, so now I desire to learn to love my Eucharistic God, as it were, at your knee, for I firmly believe that you are the shortest and surest way to the Heart of the Eucharistic Christ. Mary, Mother of God, your divine maternity is most cherished by you, because it is a token of God's special love for you. Place your gentle motherly hands on those wounds of my soul and grant that through the grace of the Sacraments and prayer they may be healed. The feast is like an octave for the birthday of Our Lady on September 8th. This feast will take place this year under very special circumstances for us all. Moreover, I am confident that you will obtain for me. What a sight met your tear-dimmed eyes when you beheld the body of your Son, bruised and mangled and covered with open bloody wounds. From the very first, He offered Himself as our ransom and the victim for our sins. I beg you to take care of me for I am a poor sinful child. You know that you are the well-beloved Daughter of the Father, you embrace the Son; you are united to the Holy Spirit with a simplicity, a confidence, and a delicacy of love which belong to you alone, for in you alone there cannot be the remembrance of a moment in which you were opposed to God. It is true, you are a creature, and, therefore, far beneath the Supreme Being. How well your name gives expression to your position and your mission in lifeyour divine Motherhood In virtue of this privilege, you reflect as a spotless mirror the eternal Light of the Word, which is first poured into you and illuminates you. 16, 26). Mary, My Mother, I turn to you rather for health of soul than of body. Mary, My Mother, though your body was separated from your soul in death, your soul was reunited in your incorrupt body, and you were taken up into heaven by angels. Feasts of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary - New Advent Many parishes, in addition to having a special feast day Mass, also host a reception or party in honor of the day. With you all is pure, virginal, immaculate In you there is no inclination to evilno impure thoughts or desires. Feast of Our Lady Mother of Sorrows - 15th Sept Through your powerful intercession obtain for them the graces they need. This wisdom and prudence showed itself at a very early age, when you willed to devote yourself entirely to God and were presented by your saintly parents, at your own request, for the temple service. Shed upon me more and more the living light of that faith which made you blessed. Whatever of sanctity, of dignity, of merit, of grace and of glory, that we can imagine, all is in you. Our Lady of Sorrows The devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows flourished in the Middle Ages, and the hymn Stabat Mater was composed for it. You offered to the Father in Heaven the Body and Blood of the Lamb you bore and sacrificed Him with the knife of your will on the altar of your heart. It was an answer which had scarcely fallen from your lips, before It drew the only-begotten Son of God from the bosom of His Eternal Father, to become Man in your most pure womb! Due to her feast day on September 15, the month of September has traditionally been set aside to honor Our Lady of Sorrows. Why celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows? - Feroz Fernandes There were two great altars on Calvary; one in the Body of Jesus, the other in your heart; for on that mount, at the same time that your Son sacrificed His body by death, you sacrificed your soul by compassion. "Behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb and shalt bring forth a son; and thou shalt call His name Jesus. What songs of gladness by the elect as you were crowned by the Blessed Trinity and made Queen of heaven, advocate of the human race and dispenser of the graces of the Redemption! Unlike martyrs who endured physical torments, Mary suffered torment in her soul. He is all mineand all because you gave your consent to become His Mother. This privilege separated you from all the rest of the children of Adam. While no gift is bestowed on us by God except in virtue of the Passion and death of your divine Son, the Precious Blood and the sacred wounds of Jesus are presented to God by you. As in Heaven the Divine Word is like the Father, so on earth the Son, according to the flesh, is like you His Mother. Help me to receive Holy Communion frequently, at least each week, if not daily. I ask this with special earnestness from you who are the Health of the Sick. But I want to be loved by you even more; hence, give me an ever growing love for you. Be pleased to intercede with Jesus, your Son, for Christian families. 1. How delightful a sight must your beautiful soul have been to heaven! Feast, September 15 (Novena, September 6-14) (See the Feast of Seven Sorrows, Friday of Passion Week), Feast, September 24 (Triduum, September 21-23). Jesus, not satisfied with having given Himself to all mankind in the Incarnation, wished to become united with each of us in a most intimate manner by means of the Holy Eucharist, for by an unceasing act of love He gives Himself to us in each Consecration and in each Communion. Mary, Mother of God, in your own lifetime you showed that you are truly our Mother of Perpetual Help. Mary, My Mother, I rejoice with the Blessed Trinity on your birthday because you were to take part in the Incarnation and Redemption of the world, I rejoice with all mankind because you became the Mother of our Redeemer. Mary, My Mother, the day of your Assumption was the great day of your triumph. And when Jesus instituted this Holy Sacrament, He surely thought especially of you. I did it not once or twice but numberless times. Alone of all the children of Adam, you were gifted with the fullness of sanctifying grace which made you the object of a very special love on the part of God. View the Flyer. Simeon prophesied it when you offered the little Victim-Savior to the Heavenly Father for the first time in the temple: "And thy own soul a sword shall pierce" (Luke 2, 35). Mary, My Mother, may the faithful recitation of my Rosary show my gratitude to Jesus for having redeemed me on the cross and for having given you to me as my spiritual Mother. Your holiness was due to this Spirit of Love, to Whose guidance you abandoned yourself. May it be given me to understand your own love for me, and your dignity and beauty, that I may love you with a love more like the love that God Himself has for you. The Sanctuary in 1906. Coming from the Latin words cum and patior, compassion means to suffer. He took to Himself our human flesh and became man in order that He might give Himself up for us to the death of the cross. I desire to place under your protection all my efforts in my striving for holiness and all the works of my daily life.
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