Ls HUe7C22R>_%m~e5?h Prosecutors say a 911 call from the night of the murders proves that Said is guilty. One on one? You say by definition! That poor child who grew up with no mom for absolutely no reason. Agree with all you say but theres so much more involving incompetence, corruption, evidence tampering and then witnesses, in Rorrers favour, who were not disclosed to her defence her trial (something they were legally obliged to do). Prosecutors did not seek the death penalty, so Said was automatically sentenced to life in prison with no parole. We've received your submission. Said That phone call came in on December 7, 1994. Or did they? You should be ashamed of yourself. In recent years, she began to share key details about her past life in Pittsburgh to nursing home staff that led Clive Swift: Keeping Up Appearances star dies Marsicovetere cited studies done by several doctors during pretrial proceedings, saying that they determined Patricia Prue suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and might suffer from dissociative identity disorder as well. of course they all do it to make money only, some of them do it shamelessly, without the slightest attempt to be fair and honest. SHAME ON THEM. She was so obsessed with Andy that she called him non-stop, multiple times a day, right? Theres something very important to this case that needs to be mentioned more than anything else THE GUN. What they reported to us is that she came into their care in 1999 where she was found in need, in the streets in Puerto Rico, where she had been wandering around. Patricia Cole, a veteran copy editor whose sharp eye, quick wit and kind heart made her a cherished colleague at NPR and other news outlets, died on Friday at age 46, He jumped at the opportunity with the understanding that the emphasis would be on Lawrence Slaughter and not his sister. Her brother Larrys false confession was all the LAPD needed to put Patricia behind bars. Tragedy also touched Patricias life. Early in the investigation, the hairs found in the car were sent (in glass slides) to several laboratories including the FBIs. And your contention that you (me) as ONE person are wrong, let me say that while you seem to be determined in singling me out as someone whos opinion is one against the rest, is hopelessly exaggerated. Phone records dont lie.) I find it weird that youre going to kill a woman just because she hung up on you and maybe tell you some shitty world because you call like an ex. Rorrers filed multiple appeals over issues you raise, the latest recently and rejected. Her jealousy and rage because Joann told her to not contact her husband set her off. Then 31 years old, she had lived a rocky existence. What did the ME report as to the age of the baby? Check out ALL the facts if you feel the need to comment. No way they laid there for 4 months!!!! She was bubbly and likable, not disgruntled, according to friend Kathy Barber, who visited her friend in jail. Rorrer killed these two people in cold blood and the jury got it right! Yet they insisted in the trial that the call came in on the 13th. Stop. For this week, I looked into the defenders reasoning as well as Patricias whereabouts today. CHOOSE1 Three Strikes Reform Act needs 365,880 signatures by June 1: Volunteer today! A knife and the clothing worn by the victim potentially had all of the answers that would have led to the real murderer, but that evidence was destroyed by the LAPD. There is no justice for your loved ones when the wrong person is paying for the crime. I would like to tell you that there is many errors in this article, that I would love to send to you the proof of each one. Keep in mind that 34 hairs are in custody of the state police, so where are the other 4 hairs? How do you explain the authorities finding .22mm shell casings at her home during the search warrant. You ought to acquaint yourself thoroughly with the case and not allow yourself to get any further elevated on your high horse. Said Oklahoma Incest Case: Mom Married Kids - Peoplemag Police slowly built a case against Patricia. She killed Joann, had a fair and impartial trial, so its time to get over it. Patricias accusers theorized that she resented Joanns domestic bliss with the tall, athletic Andrew Katrinak. He took two tests and there was deception detected in BOTH. Patricia Watching Reasonable Doubt right now hope they also find that she did it. They were able to match 5 hairs all the same micro DNA which happened to match the DNA pulled from blood samples Pat gave. Shes just extremely happy with Andy, her brother, Michael OConnor, told the media. Highly charged case. 2023 This article can also be seen at Shes still guilty, with her hands did it or not, in regard to baby Alex. They were telling the truth and revealing the type of person she was, a person that definitely would kill out of jealousy and revenge. And for you to even ask why documentaries are biased, makes me wonder if you have the ability to determine fact from fiction! But let me say in my defence, I have not attacked anyone on this particular site with outright rudeness, to which you allude, albeit some of them deserved a retort of some substance. Testimony from Walter Blalock contradicted Patricias claim that she never had a gun. Prosecutor pounds away. If not, how could Andrew have obtained samples of Patricias hair if they apparently didnt meet up in person after Andrews marriage? Blasczyk said she escaped from East Germany as a teenager when the country was under Communist leadership. Gail Gattrell, the sisters great-aunt, described the deaths as an honor killing which are often carried about by a relative who believes a woman went against conservative Islamic values on love or marriage. I am sorry it ever happened at all.". From my point of view this is an extremely similar case, with less class and style, and without the luxurious details that Interpols case had, such as the involvement of an extremely expensive Alfa Romeo car, and a revolver bought at a lush auction in Paris, which had belonged to a duke before the incident. No activity on her bank account or credit cards took place after the day she went missing, so investigators dismissed the theory that she took her child and bolted. Quote if I had known I would get caught, I would never have brought you into this world. Pat to Nicole her daughter. And I can back up that claim by the fact I have read, watched and listened to all there is to know about this case. Locked up. FBI agents watched them deliver grocery bags to the house and then followed them to a shopping center in Southlake where they dumped trash from the home, prosecutors said. At 17, Patricia dropped out of high school and married landscaper Gary Gabard. Disagree with Then international law enforcement was contacted. Narcissistic and violent tendencies are very common. There was a blood-stained fingernail and hair found on the victims body, and even though (in Keith Morrisons Dateline documentary) the Asst. Patricia McCloskey pleaded guilty to misdemeanor harassment and was fined $2,000, while Mark admitted to misdemeanor fourth-degree I cant lose them, he told the media. But her reputation wasnt exactly sleek and shiny. Very soon after, the original hairs (in glass slides) were sent to the FBI again. Go somewhere else where your asserted expertise will be professionally tested and you wont be so frustrated and insulting about those who disagree (with your expertise and opinion). It was winter which are cold in PA and would slow down decomposition and minimize insect activity although you are correct about the rodentswhy were there none? And even prosecutor Michael McIntyre, who wrote the book Hair Trigger about the case, acknowledged to Keith Morrison that it was a little odd that the police found blood on the hairs in Joanns car but nowhere else in the vehicle. New state, new man. Men who murder are conventional, women are sensational, posits the Worldwide Womens Criminal Justice Network. Rorrers defenders remind me of a case in my home town There was a killer who confessed, was caught on video committing the murder and was seen committing the crime by an eye witness. Said tried to blame the FBI for not searching for an unknown person, he said, was the real killer. ), The Wrong Man investigators Ira Todd and Joe Kennedy have some theories of their own. simply to create an atmosphere of hatred towards a person who, in all probability, has been wrongfully imprisoned. Just saying. Its totally irrelevant. Catherine are you sure your names not Karen? Great communicator. Murder in Lehigh Valley: Keith Morrison Reports, The Lindbergh Kidnapping: Forensic Files Lost Episode, Dawn Fehring: A Missionary Dies Too Young, Joanne Chambers and Paula Nawrocki: Strange Lesson. The story of Patricia - The Vivid Faces of the Vanished | Facebook Prosecutors said Said, a native of Egypt, was angry that his daughters were dating and that the boys were not Muslim. Deal refused. And then in their zealous efforts to show their ire, feel the need to suggest anyone who supports her is deluded. Hardly an argument, more a figment of your overconfidence in your opinion. Most of your comment absolutely astonishes me. Her mother was married to my uncle. Some two years into the investigation of Rorrer, a court order was obtained to remove hair specimens from her. A federal jury found Yassein Abdulfatah Said, 59, guilty on one count of conspiracy to conceal a person from arrest, one count of concealing a person from arrest and one count of conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding. Anyone who thinks this psycho isnt guilty needs to take off their tin hat. I decided to take the toys and hide them so my mother wouldnt see them, said Alfey, who is now 29 years old. Justice is about uncovering the truth. Patricia She was falsely convicted of killing her husband when the Los Angeles Police Department reopened a 17-year-old cold case after coercing two witnesses to tape a confession pegging Patricia Wright and family friend Lawrence Slaughter as the killers. Thats my life.. I believe the answer to your question is in my comment above. He wanted to move to Colorado and she was against it.. Tommy Lynn Sells admitted to killing a 9-10 old boy in Indiana I think and the mom Julie (cant remember her last name) was jailed mainly due to the ex-husband (father of her son) testified and said things that werent true. Traupman died in 2016. So where they alive somewhere, and if so how could of Patricia, who was questioned, with not one mark on her kill them? "Justice would have been the Irving Police Department doing their job," defense attorney Joe Patton said during closing arguments. Addressing Patricia Prue, Judge Robert Bent said the sentence of life without parole was "fitting" since she was a full participant in the crime. Special prosecutor Patricia Brown Holmes said, even though her side didn't win any convictions, the case still helped make police more accountable. Patty Hearst I hope she rots in hell. Patricia Follow her on Twitter at because theres money to be made from the commercials added into their show. Further, an early FBI report said the hairs found in the car had no roots which contain the DNA suggesting an evidence switcheroo. My husband passed away of a broken heart, Sarah OConnor said on the Montel Williams Show in 2001. "I'm not sorry we were caught. It says that Andrew Katrinak passed his lie detector test. Or did they? The womans disappearance became a missing person case with the Ross Township Police Department that sat on the shelf, lacking progress, for decades. Joann was fun, likable, beautiful, always happy, said her sister-in-law Cindy Wiard. Shes where she belongs in prison for the rest of her life. Other loyal friends and associates attested to Patricias kindness toward horses and devotion to her daughter, whom she took along as she worked in stables. Yaser Said was sentenced to life in prison without parole for the murder of his two daughters Amina and Sarah Said in 2008. Blasczyk said she is pleased with the outcome of the case. We were contacted by some individuals an agent from Interpol, as well as a social worker from Puerto Rico, that believed that they had her in an adult care home there in Puerto Rico, the deputy said during the press conference. Shes attracted the help of writer Tammy Mal (full name Tammy Malinowski OReilly), author of Convenient Suspect, a book about the case. Or to keep it anonymous, click here. Owens said Said made her a weak woman but that those days are over. Hoist by my own petard! Wheres the evidence that Patty was obsessed with Andy? Why would she say that maybe she wasnt really a good friend, just someone trying to inject herself into a super sensational case. The Prues were accused of luring Jenkins, a single mother, from her rural home and then strangling and beating her to death. (Ross Township Police Department). Patricia She had had numerous run-ins with the police and, each time, would tell them to be ready because the end of the world was coming. Lie detectors are pseudo science. Patricia "I want to apologize personally for the fact that my husband wasn't a strong enough human being to admit his wrongs and be able to take his rightful punishment willingly," she said. How is it that these women are paroled? Meticulous primping. The obvious, if moot, response to this is to observe that her conviction wasnt based on inaccurate documentaries but on trial. Thank you Kerry. And the fact that Patricia called Andrew even after he married someone else didnt mean she was still carrying a torch for him, according to one of her friends. Those bodies would have been manipulated by something around there. "As horrible as Ms. Jenkins death was, it should stand for something," Marsicovetere said. What the prosecution failed to disclose to Rorrers defence team was that the cops, in their zeal to prove their gun theory, visited several addresses of which Rorrer was resident, dug up the gardens in which she was known to do target practice recovered several shell casings and bullets (more than 70), had them ballistically tested, but NOT ONE was found to be a match to the bullet recovered from the victim. More than 20 years after her conviction, Patricia Rorrer still has advocates working to exonerate her. Instead, he hid for 12 years until the FBI found him in a relatives home in Denton County. Patricia had a knack for writing strong headlines, which won her first place in a 2012 national contest. Youre so fixated with her guilt, youre unable to see other factors that show this case to be a disgraceful travesty. One of the hairs had magically developed root material to enable that. Its an opinion learnt from a well-researched book, from documentaries which show and mention a great deal of facts and evidence which was never brought up at her trial. And the point the hair in her hand wasnt tested was because they didnt need it since they had the killer shame on everyone who went along with that. A Pennsylvania woman who went missing more than 30 years ago in a case that stumped authorities who later declared her legally dead has been found living in a nursing home in Puerto Rico. "You can keep those evil eyes glaring just glare away because this is going to be the last time that you see me.". Patricias defenders also say Andrew Katrinak staged the scene at his house by prying the door and cutting the phone line. Had there been a switch? If they were unable to get a DNA reading the first time, why the need for a second examination? Why not question some of this evidence? Yaser Said Found Guilty in Murders of Teen Daughters NBC 5 Jenkins at one time had hired Allen Prue to plow her driveway. As for the murder weapon, police didnt find a .22 caliber pistol on Patricias property, but an ex-boyfriend claimed that she owned one and it would always jam after one shot. Joanne didnt go missing until December 15, an entire week and a day later. Theyre just not willing to investigate/research as to the truth. The fact that Joanne was found with a hair clutched in her hand that was inconsistent with both her and Patricia (that they conveniently didnt bother to test). Inside the locked 1992 vehicle, police discovered some strands of blond hair stained with dried blood. Im trying to understand exactly your reasoning asking me staying away from this site because of my insulting remarks! Dame Patricia said she was "deeply saddened" to hear of her former co-star's death. Required fields are marked *. I have never seen anything this egregious in all my years.. Patricia Kopta eventually developed dementia, police said. A person tried in a court of law and then found guilty is not the be-all and end-all to the case. In 2016, Oklahoma police arrested the mother, Patricia Spann, now 44, and her 26-year-old daughter, Misty Velvet Dawn Spann, charging both of them with incest. Relatives at the time told cops that Yaser threatened bodily harm against Sarah for going on a date with a non-Muslim. Wouldnt that verify Troutmans claim that the husband was arguing with the victim, in a rage? Jury convicts man who harbored fugitive brother accused of killing She is legally blind, has stage four cancer that has spread to her breasts and her brain, causing her to lose control of her bodily functions, leaving her diapered, and has been given six months to live. The fat cow is guilty as hell and I hope she continues to have the shit kicked out of her in prison every day of her useless life. She should have been treated exactly the way she treated that mother and baby, taken out into the woods, shot, beaten and then left to die. Discuss and express opinion; stop short of asserting that those of the other view (that of judge and jury, at least) are ignorant of facts and wrong, and youre right, because by definition its reasonable for lay people to accept the jury verdict. Claps! Ive found that in nearly every case, those who are firmly of the opinion shes guilty have an extremely limited knowledge of the case theyve watched one (or perhaps more) of the documentaries which make absolutely no attempt to show anything thats in Rorrers favour (theres plenty, if one bothers to look), and worse, revel in exaggerated and speculative scenes, some of which were never even mentioned at her trial. Yaser Said was arrested Aug. 26 after authorities searched the Justin home. "I suggest that it stands for a moment in time where people actually take a moment to take a serious look at how we allocate our resources to social services. Another point is the theory developed by the cops that the victim (Joann) was shot just one time and then bludgeoned to death. They retested hair from the car in 2008 with updated new technology. Larry Wrights sentence was reduced to only two years in prison with five years of parole. On Aug. 31, 2011, at 11 a.m., Wrights family, the Action Committee for Women in Prison, and the FACTS community and supporters gathered in front of Gov. She should have received the death penalty imo. The case was eventually abandoned. Beautifully said Cliff! But then again I havent actually SEEN the evidence. According to William G. Kelley, director of the Law Offices of the Orange County Associate Defender, Patricia did not receive a fair trial. There are a number of issues in the case, Kelley said in a letter to his associate, Christopher Darden, including the competency of counsel, prosecutorial misconduct and, of course, compelling legal error by the court.. For one thing, her mother never asked Sandra Ireland to hide the gun, and she retrieved it on the way home the next day she worked as a bus driver and couldnt take it with her to school. State police and the Philadelphia division of the FBI appealed to the public for leads. The Common Sense Guy you should put yourself on top of the list of deluded people. It wasnt aimed at any one video producer. Sadly, those who defend Rorrer do not want to be confused by the truth. Theyre more than happy to exaggerate and speculate the details of the crime, which serves to attract more viewers who (like you) seem to be happy to believe it all. She has no means to reply or rebut this outrageous slurs and these forums are the only way I know where people may become aware of the wrongful conviction of innocent person and equally, those who happily believe all the adverse and damaging comments. I have worked for Interpol for years as a gun analyst, usually women who commit such crimes against their exes wife or mistress, lover etc are pushed from behind by a man and promises and lies. 2}Wo).hf}~g={g::y]peb78R,;>59_'cuB F4QyU&9G=#0 Yaser Said had been on the FBIs Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list since 2014 in connection with the fatal shootings of his daughters, 18-year-old Amina Said and 17-year-old Sarah Said, on New Years Day 2008. Marcelin said the detectives, referring to Patricia Wright, asked, Dont you want that [expletive] off the street?. No way for 4 months, that deceased baby would still be resting across the mothers chest. It says that Andrew reported the cut phone lines and broken pad lock was reported to the police at 10:30. They released a poster of Joann and Alex, noting that the baby had almond-shaped blue eyes, weighed 18 pounds, and was circumcised. Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the St. Louis couple that infamously pointed guns at demonstrators who were marching past their house last summer, have pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges in the incident. Thanks for contacting us. She is a tough one, Sheriff Gerald Hege would later tell the Morning Call in a June 29, 1997 interview. Conflicting versions. Liesbeth Powers/The I deduced my opinion to be fact because of what Ive read and seen and is supported by evidence which was never disclosed at her trial. I have to wake up every morning with the freedom that God gave me knowing that my sister is incarcerated for life and that my lies put her there, Larry wrote in a letter to the LAPD after he had been freed. They moved into her house in Salisbury County, staying together for about two years. "You knew how the Maybe then you will see the wrongful conviction! If you can tear yourself away from your obsessive mentality, you can see what virtually amounts to the tampering to which I referred. As for Joanns parents, her father died a year after the murder. If in the woods in a rural area, no animal, rodent or insect touched those bodies? Patricia Prue had been planning to use an insanity defense if the case were to go to trial, but she asked the court in December if she could change her plea so she could begin corresponding with her husband once again. They claim in a 911 call from the night of the murders, Sarah said her father was attacking her. A Texas father one of the FBIs Ten Most Wanted Fugitives wanted for the slayings of his two teen daughters was busted after more than 12 years on the run, the federal law enforcement agency announced. Two problems, then: a failure to see your own position as you see others (failure to comprehend irony), and failure to understand the difference between fact and opinion. I noticed that her defense lawyer and others advocating for her is not mentioning more about the gun. Alfey went on to say that he noticed that the woman hosting the model home was following them very closely the whole time that they were there. Perhaps youre not aware, there was a great deal of evidence of which these documentaries made no mention, as well as misdeeds and incidents of corruption perpetrated by the cops. According to court papers from Patricia 2017 appeal, DNA on the cigarette butt found near the two bodies belonged to Appellant. (Prosecutor Michael McIntyre, however, told that that the cigarette butt was never actually tested). Probably by the jeans and the boots. If you want to help her tell her to ask God for forgiveness. They depict scenes which are pure speculation or exaggeration or present scenes, which in fact were only theories mentioned at her trial. Youre absolutely right!! WebTexas-born Patricia (Tissie) Said, the mother of the two girls, should long ago have been charged as an accomplice in their honor killing. Great catch. If there was more talk about finding this .22 mm gun then that would solve all of this speculation. But investigators conceded they had no solid evidence against Andrew. Patricia Prue's lawyer Brian Marsicovetere told the court on Friday that his client was "severely mentally ill," and that the case should be used as an example for why the state should focus on developing a strong mental health system. Thank you and well said. And last but not least, the fact that Michael McIntyre comes across as mentally unstable. WoW! Arrest mother as accomplice in Texas honor killing | Fox News I think we need to realize that each dollar we spend or don't spend could have a serious impact on our society and our safety.". Patricia Kopta, Pittsburgh street preacher missing since 1992, found alive in Puerto Rico A woman who was missing for more than 30 years has been found alive and at Later, they both worked 12-hour graveyard shifts at a textile factory. She got 12 months of probation for shoplifting at a Walmart in Lexington, North Carolina. Its barely visible in the picture. Alex Murdaugh found guilty of killing wife, son I do. in journalism from the University of Southern California. Patricia pled guilty on April 2, 1990. Any subsequent proof emerging and then revealed in a book or documentary is surely something that should be taken seriously and investigated if necessary. Dial-a-problem. Stop it.. The phone wire was located at the opposite end of the basement, which was dark. Ten months after Joann died he murdered another woman (who looks just like her) and her baby, as well. And Patricia wasnt all edges. As for him, yes, it looks like the first suspect, but if he had alibis, quite hard to accuse of actually doing it, and I understand it was a pretty solid one.
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