I dont know how often I will write, but I do know that I have a lot yet to say! It is November 18, 2019, and I turn 48 years young today. Riding on the shoulder will get you killed.. They are constructed of thick insulated rubber and wool felt weighing in at 2.75 pounds per boot. Ill be posting a video this morning to both the free and premium membership pages from the basement, so please check it out. I cleaned up the kitchen, and set to work on a Better yet, amplify the yes by reading a good book aloud with your children, because now you are saying yes collectively, raising vibrational frequency together. 9,055 likes. Probably not. We have leased three proven Iditarod leader/finishers and have been running them all week. He chose to stop and rest and fully assess the situation. time to knit or bake or putter around the house hardly at all. +380662407506. Knowing you are going to pass out is one thing. All 4 of these dogs came to us late in the training season and it appeared as if they had all come down with something viral and gotten sick, as can happen when dogs move to a new yard and run new trails. And painting all the door and window casing (and Bjorn ran 7 finishers and 3 yearlings. Blog - Paul Hanis Leading from behind is something each and every one of us is capable of doing when we choose to openly and fully support someone we are in relationship with. I could fill pages with the obstacles and turns of events that made the whole Iditarod thing seem ridiculously impossible and utterly insane. And then there is the vet work, EKGs and blood work for the team, and of course, the dogs still need to be run. We say that combustion cannot occur in the absence of oxygen, but never quite go so far as to actually call oxygen fuel. The following year we married and, within 18 months, we ushered into the world our first-born son, Bjorn. They are constructed of thick insulated rubber and wool felt weighing in at 2.75 lbs per boot. They say God is happiest when his children are at play., ~ Old Hardy Greaves, The Legend of Bagger Vance. The reason for this has to do with how our eyes work in sub-optimal light as well as the way we form habits governing the placement of our attention. And when we got home, we fed them all the chicken they could eat. He got three hours of sleep before he was up and prepping his team. To those of you who have just joined the mailing list, welcome and enjoy! While my race was increasingly becoming a subjective experience with few solid reference points for me to take comfort in, the run over to Iditarod was ridiculous regardless of any observers point of view. In addition to them having fun, we want these puppies to become dogs whose deepest desire is to pull while also knowing when to stop. Additionally, Jeremy sat down with our dear friend, Marlisa McLaughlin of Green Ink Radio to []. I had lofty plans last night, plans I Once Bjorn was clear, he yelled for Liam and I ran to him panicked to make sure he was ok. Miraculously, we were all fine, Bjorns knee accepting. This is why falling in love feels so amazing and light, like walking on air. As cold as it was and as hard as I worked for those fifteen and a half days, I am aware of no adequate bio-chemical explanation for how I did what I did on the amount of food that I did it on. Alison Keller brings a warmth and smile to your copy. The least I could do is shut up about having to go to It is no exaggeration to say that I left this world on my journey to Nome, in some very real ways, and re-entry to my normal life has not only taken a while, it has been a bit of a rough ride. Knowing he would be running sweep the rest of this race, he was still keeping a good attitude for a finish in Nome. But he loved it. Green Ink Radio is so much more than a podcast collective. I suspect she got too wound up at the starting line and worked too hard too soon and wasnt ready mentally for the 9 hour run. Oct 2019 - Present3 years 1 month. Incio > 2022 > junho > 22 > Uncategorized > aries child pisces father. It is an emergence from the union of the object being tasted and the observer doing the tasting. Their older son, Bjorn, is fourteen and running this years' Junior Iditarod. There are some things that arent I tried kneeling on the runners to hide my limited girth behind the sled bag, and that seemed to allow us to reach a speed of 2-3 mph- slightly faster than we were going previously. I still think part of it is fear. The clutch in my mind was slipping and I was adrift. Likewise, I can produce an equally long list of grace filled moments, some nothing short of miraculous, that carried Jeremy and his dogs, not just past the starting line, but, all the way to Nome. My favorite puppy is the one we call JD. And, as I was reminded Wednesday morning at 7:04 am, that is a big IF these days with the myriad of things drivers do with their attention while behind the wheel. We are a closed system, a platoon if you will. For everything he does for On that run, I began to not be able to stay awake. Sure, I'm getting a few things done. He had dared to say yes to his Yes and all of us standing there on the street were basking and rejoicing in the reverberation of it. His team charged across the lake to the finish line, technically in last place, but from my perspective, the remarkably professional way he ran his race makes him a champion. the days ahead. Jeremy was able to text me just as he was leaving Finger Lake. He so much appreciated their energy. The sound waves do not require our ears for their objective existence. Most dog teams in that situation, left to their own devices in a storm in hostile territory with no driver to direct and lead them, would make the very rational choice to turn around and enjoy a significant tail wind back to the place they last saw straw and warm food. I would love to tell you Bjorn was able to rest for a few days afterwards to catch up on some much needed sleep but we had another starting line to get to and we needed all hands on deck. I changed gears. For obvious reasons, the competitive mushers Yes has to be big, otherwise they would not devote so much of their time and resources into such an endeavor. I'm planning a crafty night tonight to work on a few projects. The most important component of your outfit is your boots. So why all the apprehension? I wasnt tired in a sleepy way. In the entire house. It is easy to take them for granted. We have a lot of noes weighing us down. The vetinarians in Shaktoolik were refusing to let me leave with one of my most important dogs, a small white female and leader named Madam Ice. They are real; they can be isolated, and they can be put under a microscope, so to speak. This sourdough pizza crust is by far my favorite crust, but it will take most of the day to rise. For being the first boy to cross the finish line he won a gorgeous, handmade fur hat. Years ago, I learned an important lesson from a man that had biked extensively around North America, including a journey from California to Alaska in March. They are all barking excitedly at you. And I could tell Training and running the Iditarod is a resource-intensive endeavor, and unless you finish high, there is no financial reward. We were gelling. His run from Yentna back to the Su was a grueling 7 hours, so the dogs were ready for and expecting to, rest. Honestly, Id have to say that everything is going better than I had any right to expect, evidenced by the fact that I am getting this blog post out on time for the first time in the past two months, even though I have hundreds of pounds of frozen chicken skins to chop up and bag, 4 goats to slaughter, grind, and portion, seemingly countless minutiae to acquire and organize, firewood to fetch for our home, dog houses to build for the puppies so they can move into the dog yard proper before they turn their (ever smaller) pen into a bloody cage match, and (I keep trying to forgot) a dog box for the truck to buildand! situs link alternatif kamislot Most mushers focus too much on developing large male as the ultimate candidates for Iditarod success, and not without good reason. But then Ryan said something to me the other day that Its when it comes time to pay the rent, or address any of the myriad of mundane details of daily life, that the crash to earth can become drab. Jeremy was able to reach out to me again from the trail but this time with some concerns. Another favorite puppy of mine has developed a habit of squeaking at our yard fence to get out. Jeffdeserves some of it after what he just went through! Jeffwas running Jeff. Over the next few days this would happen hundreds of times. The larger part, however, of the challenge of re-entry, is a direct consequence of having experienced such a sweet and prolonged journey in an elevated state of consciousness that the typically normal state of consciousness of day to day life was drab by comparison. If you're interested, you can see it here. upstairs to my office/studio for some serious crafting until bedtime. Even before I arrived in Nome, I had begun to suspect that something all together new to me was afoot. They are saying yes to their Yes. By the end, I was day dreaming of the simple life, when I run for 8 hours and then rest and do dog care for eight hours, over and over again, with no tent or mobile dog yard to erect and then disassemble: with no fire wood to gather, no wood stove to feed, no film crew (Bryan, Bjorn, I) to feed and no filming, editing, or creative effort to fuel with the last bits of my vitality just good old dog driving, basic fatigue, and the maintenance of my attitude. Apparently nearly everyone had at least a touch, if not a severe case, of frostbite. Not only did the dogs have a great run, the crowds along the way, holding out their hands for high fives, were a delight. The Art of Saying Yes by Alison Keller | Green Ink Radio If you are at all familiar with energy testing, or muscle testing, you can experience this for yourself. I remember being swept up in the excitement as I cheered with the rest of the crowd lining the street to welcome this trail-worn musher to his finish line. My sled bag is in the shop for repairs and critical modifications. You grab on, reach down, pull the hook and, whoosh, youre off on a roughly 1000 mile race through the raw and rugged Alaskan wilderness where temperatures can, and often do, drop to what well just call the wickedly cold range. It was long and hard. But do I feel really good about what was excited about. As the sole breadwinner of our young family, he knew he had to choose responsibility over his desire to race again. The foods over there. No wonder I felt like I could never get anything done. Now, imagine you have 16 enthusiastic, 40- to 60-pound dogs wearing brightly colored harnesses. Meta. When we experience what we consider positive emotions like joy and love, we resonate at a higher vibrational frequency. Until you master the nuts and bolts of racing long distance, this is the trap many of us on the Iditarod Trail fall into. The wheeler was launched forward, effectively whipping Liam backwards, and then offinto the ditch. In other words, I split in two. The final leg and finish line in Nome runs down several blocks of this small towns main street called Front Street. If deer wore reflectors, there wouldnt be much road kill! Low to the earth, never reaching more than a few degrees above the horizon, the glowing orb of the sun seems so much more distant as it both rises and sets across the southern skyline in a shallow gentle arc. It finally hit me - Ive been selfish. Bjorn spent 11 hours on the trail that day arriving in Yentna Station at 8:47pm. Wishing you and yours all the best. They were hitting the straw beds almost before the straw hit the snow! Many of the mushers scratched early due to a blizzard and horrendous trail conditions that were ripping up sleds and breaking a few bones. I delight in the knowing that my yes to Jeremys Yes reverberates out to connect and resonate with so many others saying yes to this amazing event. Without a cohesive and jazzed dog team, everything else would just be money and time down the drain. As Bjorn decompressed yesterday, we discussed his experience. One of the most important elements of dog care in long distance mushing is keeping the dogs eating. We have a lot of noes weighing us down. Are you going to eat your halibut meal this time? JeffWells, a young musher, had been the recipient of some of my meals earlier in the race, and he was hoping I still couldnt eat what Id prepared. When a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there to hear it, it most definitely (and demonstrably) makes a sound. even started. We reached a compromise. irritated that I cant sit down at the dining room table because were using it Everything will be ok, regardless of how hopeless it looks. May everything always be working out in your favor. Meat, veggie. Attitude. The final leg and finish line in Nome runs down several blocks of this small towns main street called Front Street. By the time he got to Finger Lake, he was certain two dogs would have to return, perhaps a third. We bought 14 paint samples for the guest room because he Nervous? Liam asked me yesterday if I was worried or scared about running this years Iditarod. Turns out it wasnt. It was also breathtaking, and it was in that traverse that I began to experience something altogether new in my little life. The good news is, higher vibrational frequencies can help you move stuck energy; laughter as the best medicine is truer than you may have realized. ! He dove out the way with no microseconds to spare. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. She didnt even skid until impact. Running this stretch of trail at night didnt help any. meenakshi amman parrot name; grass wall backdrop rental nj Better yet, read a good book aloud with your children, because now you are saying yes collectively and raising vibrational frequency together. And in my case, as I wisely didnt prioritize the cart ahead of the horse, I still have to build a dog box to put the horse and the cart in to get to said vet checks and the Junior Iditarod. two bathrooms. our fair share of spats, disagreements, all out fights, and hurt feelings. They know what they are; they were born to do this. Many of the mushers scratched early due to a blizzard and horrendous trail conditions that were ripping up sleds and breaking a few bones. She has influenced the others to squeak as well. Nothing is completely finished. For my dogs it was (and is) chicken: chicken drumsticks, chicken wings, chicken thighs, or any other part, preferably thawed. It is a rugged 80 miles to Nikolai through, first, the Buffalo Tunnels, and then the Fairwell Burn. It was the fact that I had actually gained a couple pounds, if anything, that created a question that needed answering. As the sole breadwinner of a our young family, he knew he had to choose responsibility over his desire to race again. And since my experience, I have become aware of many fascinating and similar stories. After Jeremys 2007 Iditarod, although he wanted to run the race again the following year, he looked at the realities on the ground and felt he could not ask me to support him through another race. Accepting Change with the Vibration ofAutumn! He also detailed for me the fine minutiae on every dogs timeline for the entire 150 mile course. Youre off on a roughly 1000-mile race through the raw and rugged Alaskan wilderness where temperatures can, and often do, drop to what well just call the wickedly cold range. Jeremy frequently speaks about the importance of leading his dog team from behind. Charlie was in good spirits when we arrived and, after a couple days of rest, proved to be in fine shape to start the Iditarod with Jeremy. There were bigger projects as well, like building additional dog boxes onto our dog trailer and, literally, fetching firewood on the morning of the race to make sure we had enough to burn while Jeremy was away. Every Day! manchester united 2022 2023 schedule. It was a pretty good test of me physically and mentally. They got it now; we were going LONG and they were all in. Yes carries a positive connotation in our minds and therefore creates a higher vibrational frequency. Alison Keller writes from Alaska where she homesteads and homeschools with her husband, Jeremy, and their two sons, Bjorn (14) and Liam (8). There are two aspects of our biology that are iconic: breathing and blood flow, or, as we say in dog driving, heart and lung capacity. As emergency medical first responders, we check the spine third. Simply put, I didnt want it to end. Today is a rainy, gloomy day. As Jeremy neared the finish line, I flew with Bjorn, then 2 years old, to Nome to see him cross it. Many mushers send sleds ahead to later checkpoints to either swap out or have just in case theirs dont survive. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The hosts of Green Ink Radio at www.greeninkradio.com are eloquent writers too! Absolutely not. For me. For more information visit http://www.allroadsleadto.dog. When we pulled onto the road, we did so after determining that no one was coming. I was out of my delirium. The reason we dont say no to the puppies is because we do not want to put a negative impact on them. But this can be difficult for many of us. They looked fantastic! No problem! JeffWells, tongue-in-cheek, even asked, Jeremy, did you actually run this race? The lack of frostbite was primarily mechanical. Mookie is the smallest of the group and a sweet puppy as well. But when Jeremy told me he wanted to run this years Iditarod, I gave him my full, unwavering support only because I get itI fully understand the power of saying YES. By morning he had moved up six places from his starting position and all seemed to be going really well. to create a home that was brighter, more modern, and more to our taste. A little before bed crafting + knitting sessionlast night was definitely good for the soul. all the doors) white. The good news is that higher vibrational frequencies can help you move stuck energy; laughter as the best medicine is truer than you may have realized. He told me that he was much more tired this year than last and he didnt think he could have finished this race last year. husband and I have very different approaches to home projects and we have had aries child pisces father Then I went to the sled bag and let Madam Ice out. Check-in to delight in monthly posts from Bernard, Dorothy, Lisa, Marlisa, Rhonda, and more! The Iditarod, self-proclaimed the last great race on earth, commences every year on the first Saturday in March, beginning in Anchorage and ending roughly 1000 miles away in the remote coastal village of Nome, Alaska. It is difficult to get very far down the trail any other way. We relate to energy in our bodies largely the same way we see gasoline in an engine or propane in a range, concrete and already quantified energy, but perhaps its not necessarily so. manchester united 2022 2023 schedule